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What road do you think is the right one for you to bring more clarity and self-determination into your life?

Happiness Mentalcoach Hamburg Annika Wagenlader

You have no idea anymore what you actually want in life


Your career occupies all your

capacities to the max


You want to feel accomplished, but you rather feel like you're going in circles


You are not using your full potential and long for something new

- or you quit already-


You may have signs of exhaustion and symptoms of stress


Maybe you have an idea, but you simply can't get into action


Achieving your goals only feels good for a few moments


You want to make money and create a life doing things that you enjoy

we all face various obstacles and development tasks. Fortunately, we are able to solve most of them ourselves. We grow, we change direction and we make new decisions. That's basically what life is for - to grow, to develop, to make mistakes and to realign our journey so that we can take the next big step.


But what happens if for some reason you can't overcome a certain event, a certain phase of life, or you just can't break those bad habits that keep you from reaching your goal?


Through methods of coaching and mental training, your mental system will be enriched with new ideas, new perspectives and new mental avenues. Not only will the diversity of your resources be expanded, but you will learn to gain immediate access to them so that you can freely decide the quality of your emotional state and behavior at any moment. You gain an understanding of unconscious processes and how to influence them in a result oriented way. 

Hamburg Karriere und Life Design Annika Wagenlader

Hot topics

> Clarity of purpose, goals and directions: fulfillment


> Understanding roadblocks and finding/integrating solutions


> Releasing fears and taking action with motivation


> Bringing more ease and fun into life


> Gain confidence in yourself and your abilities and build assertiveness


> Uncover unconscious patterns of thinking and behavior

and align them in a result oriented way


> Clean up mindset regarding life, money and meaning


> Stress reduction & relaxation 

> Time Management & Productivity


> Work-Life-Balance


> Eliminate fears and doubts


> Understanding your own neurology and identity


> Change inside and outside - dealing with environment and persons of interest


> Finding and dissolving limiting beliefs and concepts



> Understanding the structure of problems and solving them


> Self-management tools: performance and state management


Individual [business] coaching, which is done on an hourly or interval basis. Your specific challenge or complex of topics will be solved during the coaching. Depending on the situation, your coaching goal is often achieved within an hour and sometimes it takes a little longer.

It is all about you and your goals - your coaching process will be designed and performed accordingly. 


12-week program on Happiness + Life Design.

The Evolve.360 is all about your perfect life. You will be guided in a one-on-one program through different modules to create a meaningful life plan, remove mental blocks and get into action with the right mindset and tools. 



Coaching for coaches! Become a coach or optimize coaching design - Evolve's mentoring includes the following elements:

Supervision, sparring, training & coaching


You will be supported to expand your skills in your coaching practice and business, NLP or self-management, to recognize problem structures and to tackle challenges within yourself and your coachees.  


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Want to leave the treadmill of life behind?

Via the contact form, WhatsApp or phone, you simply request a 30-minute get-to-know meeting. Depending on

what works best for you, the appointment will take place online or offline in Hamburg.

In the meeting we determine your coaching goals, which approach suits you best and what the price range looks like. 

You discover for yourself whether this path and the coach are the right fit for you.

You decide: Are you ready to

take the next step towards clarity 

and fulfillment?

Then let's schedule your first

Evolve session now and get

started with your individual coaching.

Coaching und Mentaltraining Hamburg - Happines und Erfüllung

Are you ready for

your new life design?

Ein neues Life Design kommt mit einem neuen Mindset, neuen Perspektiven und mehr Happiness. Ich supporte dich dabei Klarheit zu finden, was dich wirklich wirklich glücklich macht und alles hinter dir zu lassen, was dich derzeit vielleicht noch davon abhält deine Lebenszeit erfüllt zu gestalten. Das nimmst du aus dem Coaching mit:



> Solution oriented mindset

> Clarity about your goals and the way to achieve them

> Mental sovereignty

> Flexibility when facing challenges

> Motivation and success strategies

> Letting go of negative thoughts

> Peace of mind and confidence

> Confidence in yourself and your goals

> Dissolution of limiting beliefs

Life coaching in Hamburg

no artist tolerates reality

How cool that you are curious and interested in a coaching. If you come from Hamburg and the surrounding area, there is also the possibility for a live coaching - that means a coaching on the site. In Barmbek-Nord you will find my coaching office. Shared with the Mindvisory GmbH it has been the home of my coaching sessions, workshops and NLP as well as PhotoReading seminars for the past 4 years.



Rübenkamp 80,

22307 Hamburg

This is NLP

"The study of the structure of subjective experience 
and what can be calculated from it." 

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is basically a school of thought developed and founded by Dr. Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970s.


It can be described as a set of techniques based on pattern recognition of neurological and psychological functioning. Each of us uses language, more or less effectively. The developers of NLP have researched what influence various linguistic aspects have on human thinking, feeling and behavior. This refers to communication with others as well as to the way we talk to ourselves. It's about what the structure of the problem specifically is and how this structure can be adapted in order to reach a new result in the form of feeling or behavior. 


NLP is based on how neurological functions are influenced by language (linguistics) and by experience of learned behavior patterns (programming). All Methods and techniques have been developed on these natural found functions which lead to change of perspective and growth.


For most people simply the understanding of how they function results already in increased self-confidence, more authenticity and ease in life.


In coaching, this is exactly what is used to identify the coachee's mental and emotional behavior patterns and align them with the coaching goal. Thinking strategies are elicited (observed and filtered out) and on the basis of this, impulses or interventions are applied which change the problem structure.

Language, images and behavior patterns can be consciously changed, e.g. to get rid of bad habits and to change ways of thinking and behavior.


Focus: the difference that makes the difference.

When used correctly, quick and lasting results are achieved. 


"Neuro-Linguistic Programming was specifically designed to allow us to work magic by creating new ways of understanding how verbal and non-verbal communication affect the human brain. As such, it offers us all the opportunity to not only communicate better with others, but to learn how to gain more control over what we thought were automatic functions of our own neurology." (Pure NLP®)





Life- und Karriere Design Hamburg


As mentaltraining roots in sports psychology, it is usually used to improve athletes readiness, to enhance their focus and to gain energy as well as emotional control.

The mental trainer, apposed to the coach in sports, helps to wipe out all mental barriers to build up new strategies and ensure success.


But not only athletes have goals and mental barriers, don't you think?

Brain-wise it does not really matter, wether we are an athlete or not.

A lot of us want to perform well, reach our goal and get better.

So technically speaking, the structures of our problems and how we think are very much alike. It's our brain, it's biomass. We just fill it with different content due to the different lives we live, such as experiences, needs, values, intentions..


Which means that all techniques and ideas are easily transferrable and can be applied to any sort of mental barrier in any situation.


Base of Mental Training:


  • control of thoughts and images

  • ability to relax

  • enhance focus

  • energy & emotion control (agility)

  • breaking through mental barriers

  • unlearning bad and learning new habits

  • enhance resilience

NLP Coaching & Mentaltraining



I highly recommend Annika, she is very professional in her coaching, very empathetic and a very positive and authentic soul. I felt very comfortable from the very beginning and was able to be very vulnerable. Annika pushes you (always in a very comfortable way) to your best and if you want change (personal or work related) and to develop yourself, you are in the right hands with Annika. She is direct, practical, clear and extremely smart. I am forever grateful to Annika!


- Pia, Sustainability Manager
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